Monthly Archives: November 2013


And Baby Makes 4…

What an incredibly beautiful family, inside and out. I had such a great morning with this bunch, and was so happy to finally meet the newest adorable addition to their clan!

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Where did the baby go?

I have been photographing our sweet Seth literally since the day he was born. He is growing up so fast, and is such a little man now. Where did the baby go? Pretty cool dude, […]

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Now that's Energy….

Wow, what a fun babe she was. Full of some of the funniest faces I have ever seen, the biggest smiles and some pretty cute antics that had Mom, Auntie and me in stitches. Thanks […]

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Just in time for Christmas…

What a wonderful gift they have coming to them this year. I am so looking forward to meeting the newest addition to a family I have grown very fond of seeing each year.

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Definitely Nice…

If there’s a big guy making a naughty and nice list, these two definitely made the nice list!! I have loved watching this family grow, since Mom and Dad’s Wedding, long before these two cuties […]

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I can’t believe how much she’s grown, since I first met her at just months old. And she has a little sister now. What a sweet couple of girls. I love watching families grow!!

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