It's Down Syndrome Awareness Week…

Nov. 1-7 is Down Syndrome Awareness week, and the launch of what has been a Summer (and Fall) long project. In June I met with many of the kids involved with the Down Syndrome Association of Peterborough, at a beautiful farm location, and over a couple of days volunteered to capture some beautiful faces for the 2012/2013 Down Syndrome Calendar!  I am so excited to see everything come together….. after shooting, sorting, designing, proofing, proofing and more proofing….the Calendar is ready!! It has been such an honour to be a part of this wonderful project.

ds-12-13-cover-3And to kick off the week, I designed 3 ads to be showcased for the month on Peterborough buses. I got a chance, while in town yesterday, to capture a couple of the buses with the ads on. I have to admit, it is REALLY cool to see my work displayed this way. Very exciting.







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